Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Letter to the editor: Gov. Cox was right to support Trump

I commend the choice finally made by Gov. Spencer Cox to support Donald Trump for president. I also commend Cox for attending a wreath-laying ceremony with Trump for a Utah soldier killed in Afghanistan three years ago. Neither Harris nor Biden were there, and they laid the plan that resulted in the needless deaths of the Utah soldier and 12 others. For any rational Republican, the choice for president should not be hard. We have already enjoyed life under President Trump for one term and we should expect the same great policies and great results again if he is reelected. We have already suffered under the Biden/Harris administration for one term and should expect the same again (or worse) under far-left Harris should she be elected (higher government spending, higher taxes, higher costs for food and energy, higher cost of immigrants living in the country illegally from open borders, more fentanyl deaths from open borders and continuing wars from exceptionally weak American leadership).
Ron Paxton
